Spirituality, Science and our Energy are all related

“Anything considered spiritual or metaphysical is generally just the physics we do not yet understand” says Nassim Haramein. And he says this as a physicist with 30 years of experience who has made profound discoveries including the fact that what we thought was blank space is not at all blank, it is incredibly densely full. 

There is so much that takes place beyond our physical senses.  In everyday life we have machines that measure things such as the electricity of our heart (EKG)  And there are other devices that are currently being used to measure the energy fields coming from our body (SQUID magnometer).

We are beginning to understand more and more about our own energy fields and how our energy fields are in relationship to others. We affect others, others affect us.  Even if we are physically very far apart.

In 2022 the Nobel Prize in Physics was given to explorers of Entanglement Theory.  As a lay person/non-scientist, my everyday understanding of entanglement theory is that when two things are energetically entangled, when one changes or is otherwise affected, the same happens to the other, even if the other is across the world.  When entangled protons are physically separated, even by vast physical distances, when one proton vibrates, the other proton vibrates in exactly the same way.  Wow!  Perhaps this explains why energy healing can be received and the benefits felt by people across the world.  Perhaps this is why we can tap into knowing, feeling, etc related to another person across the planet.  Perhaps intuition is related to awareness of this connection.  It is said that we are all connected, we are all made from the same spark, life force, and physical components of star dust.  We are already entangled.  And perhaps we can consciously focus on the vibration that we wish to experience and radiate and perhaps that makes it much for likely for someone else to be able to vibrate to the same frequency.  Dr. Joe Dispenza often talks about the 4 minute mile.  It was thought to be impossible for someone to run a mile in 4 minutes.  Until someone broke through and did.  Once that happened, many more people ran a mile in 4 minutes very quickly after that.  The vibration of the 4 minute mile was experienced and eased the possibility of others doing the same.  Let’s be catalysts of loving, healing, joyful, peaceful experiences and possibilities by experiencing these frequencies and radiating them out to others.

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